All the Nausea Pathways

Walk down the 4 pathways that lead to vomiting,  learn to organize types of nausea, how vomiting reflex and nausea threshold works, and explore how to choose between antiemetics.  Handout for Nausea Episode Alright let’s get NERDY!! What exactly is nausea? Nausea is the same thing as being queasy or state of feeling like vomiting…

OTC Med Guide

Join us for a basic guide to over the counter medications for providers. We will cover cough, runny nose, allergies, acid reflux, pain, antifungals. We also go over guidelines on how to choose the right combination cold and flu medications.  OTC PDF Handout You know that overwhelming isle in the pharmacy with a million different…

Choosing Pain Meds – Non Opiates

Welcome to part 2 of Choosing pain meds. To learn about choosing opiate pain medications, how to pick IV or PO pain meds, or why pain can be so dang hard to treat, check out last week’s episode. Pain PDF Handout   There are two different pain pathways (for this talk):  the neurotransmitter substance P…

Choosing Pain Meds – Opiates

Welcome to Part 1 of the ins and outs of choosing pain medications.  Explore how to choose between IV and PO narcotic pain meds, which opiate to use, how it works, the side effects, pseudoallergies and oh so much more!  Pain PDF Handout Purpose of pain = warning the body something is wrong. Pain is…