When CPR becomes DNR

Ever worry about knowing when to stop the code? Today we discuss medical futility and the components that help you to recognize it. We also go through tips about talking to families, filling out the death certificate and who goes to autopsy. no handout When is it time to stop CPR = medical futility.  Only…

When to Admit

Knowing when to admit can be tricky, let’s improve your admission acumen! In this episode, we discuss 6 specific categories that can be used to help admit patients you are on the fence about. Gaining insight into how admission is determined. Intended for medical providers in all specialties. no handout For this episode, we are…

All the Nausea Pathways

Walk down the 4 pathways that lead to vomiting,  learn to organize types of nausea, how vomiting reflex and nausea threshold works, and explore how to choose between antiemetics.  Handout for Nausea Episode Alright let’s get NERDY!! What exactly is nausea? Nausea is the same thing as being queasy or state of feeling like vomiting…

OTC Med Guide

Join us for a basic guide to over the counter medications for providers. We will cover cough, runny nose, allergies, acid reflux, pain, antifungals. We also go over guidelines on how to choose the right combination cold and flu medications.  OTC PDF Handout You know that overwhelming isle in the pharmacy with a million different…

Anatomy of a CBC

Dissect the anatomy of complete blood count (CBC)! Explore how to better interpret the components of cbc, which are most important and how to use them in clinical practice. We discuss the differential, left shift, bandemia, RBC morphology, hemolysis and more! Anatomy of CBC PDF Handout There are only 3 backbone categories of the complete…

Imaging Unzipped – Ordering Options

The first of two episodes dedicated to unzip the basics of ordering medical imaging. This episode focuses on differentiating the 4 main imaging modalities, with a brief introduction on why Imaging is so dang hard and we wrap up with a quick quiz to help empower you to better understand medical imaging.  Imaging PDF Handout…